Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chloe Update

Well..its just me and my girl now! Its okay, we are gonna make it! LOL! Who needs stupid boys anyways! Its time for me to get ready for school, but my towels are still in the dryer. So I took some pictures of Chloe Mae this morning and decided to post them! She likes to beg, but she is very quiet and doesn't whine. So instead she just sits up very cute, staring at whatever food I have.

Sitting up for a bite....

Please Please....IM GONNA GET IT!

What...there are dogs on the tv?

Got to get a little closer to understand what they are saying!

Alright...Im pooped now....Stop taking pictures
What do you mean this isnt MY carseat???
Tired again....Im glad you got me this soft bed!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

SOOO OVER-due!!!

Hey guys,
Im so overdue for a post! Im at work right now...very productive right? Luckily Im working ICU and getting to follow a nurse around and learn about lots of cool "nurse" duties! Im really excited about being a nurse one day! This just makes it more fun! Currently I am listening to the sounds of ECG (heart rate monitor) machines beeping sounds of high rates, low rates, unstable rhythms. I love it! It gives me a thrill to be here! I know its probably some place I could get burned out on, but why not start with a thrill and end with knowledge and understanding so that at the end of my career I have no regrets and I have some great experiences. (That was a horrible run-on sentence and my high school English teacher would be very upset).

On another note, school is right around the corner and I am not excited about it at all! I have so much to do in the next few weeks, my stomach hurts just thinking about it. Dr. is here...brb